Currently, we design Android Wear OS Watch Faces by using Android Studio. Please visit our page


But we have also designed Samsung Galaxy Watch Faces by using Samsung Galaxy Watch Studio and Tizen WEB Api. We supply the most functional watch faces in the market. Please visit our Galaxy Store Page to see all designs also.

Samsung Galaxy WatchFaces designed for Galaxy Gear, Galaxy Watch, Galaxy Active. All available in Samsung Galaxy Store. Search NowApp or Now to Find Us.


A really, truly excellent watch face, definitely my new favorite, better than any other watch face I've ever used or seen. Classicly handsome, with useful features, am/pm time, custom shortcuts and customization to boot. Best of all, they didn't follow the annoying habit of other designers that adopted this horrible option of making every symbol clickable. Awesome, truly awesome!


Now@26 - `{`Hexa`}` - Digital Watch Face With Hexagonal Shapes

Best weather watchface out there. I've tried several others and they all had issues. This works flawlessly and has some nice customization options.


NOW@2 - Weather - Advanced Weather Watch Face

Highly recommend. Exactly what I was looking for. A custom watch face from one of your own picture...with still be able to see weather, sate, ect. Love it!


NOW@4 - Your Watch - Style Your Watch Face From Gallery

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